Re: Disclaimer in Beta Docs?
Start up company, V1 doc set.
Here's the issue. We're dropping a beta version with an online help system
in place. We have a signed agreement with the guinea pigs stating that the
software is buggy, incomplete, blah blah blah. I'm wondering - do we also
need to put such a thing in the online help? Legal says they think it would
be a good idea to say something about trademarks, include a standard
copyright notice, and some sort of disclaimer. This seems okay for now.
We'll write something up that makes them happy. But what about for the
actual release version? Are there implication involving legal that belong in
online help? My inclination is no, that legal would be part of the
SLA(Software License Agreement), but I really do not know for sure.
Thanks a bunch.
Do you have a copyright link from every help topic? If so, it would be easy to add a beta doc disclaimer to it (just be certain to get rid of it come the general availability release). We've added disclaimers to beta doc a few times, when large amounts of new information had to go out without a technical review. Otherwise, we rely on our watermark (grey BETA, nothing if GA) to alert readers.
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