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PDF to printshop from Frame/Word (was RE: Industry Standard?)
Subject:PDF to printshop from Frame/Word (was RE: Industry Standard?) From:"Brierley, Sean" <Sean -at- Quodata -dot- Com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Tue, 9 Jan 2001 12:48:53 -0500
With FrameMaker 5.5.x and 6, you don't need to buy Acrobat to make PDFs. (If
you have MS Word, you do need to buy Acrobat for this purpose.) Also, while
I would never send application files to a print shop, true, most pre-press
departments don't have FrameMaker. However, I have always sent PostScript
print files, created to the print shop's specs. This should work as well as
sending a PDF. (And, if you care, you can make a PDF from the PS file to
visually check it . . . though I always checked blues. After the initial
interaction, there are rarely surprises from a print vendor if your methods
remain constant.)
sean -at- quodata -dot- com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ekandl -at- unitechsys -dot- com [SMTP:ekandl -at- unitechsys -dot- com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 12:25 PM
> One word of advice
> though: if you decide to use FrameMaker, make sure you buy Acrobat as
> well. Many printing vendors cannot handle native FrameMaker files, so you
> need to create and send them a PDF of your finished doc.
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