Re: A bit of clearing up on final reviews

Subject: Re: A bit of clearing up on final reviews
From: Jo Baer <jbaer -at- mailbox1 -dot- tcfbank -dot- com>
To: Sierra Godfrey <kittenbreath -at- hotbot -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 13:49:35 -0500

We have a more or less canned cover sheet that we attach to the preliminary and final review drafts. In it we say, as nicely as we possibly can, that we are asking the reviewer to comment only on factual errors and issues of clarity. They may make suggestions that are purely stylistic, but we as writers follow the company style guide and have the final say on matters of style. In other words, you can waste your time making that type of
comment, but don't count on us changing anything because of it. (My manager was able to soften my original wording; I tend to be the blunt one in the group. <g>) When something like this is presented consistently, and in writing, neither the SMEs nor (in our case) the programmers seem to take it too personally.


Sierra Godfrey wrote:

> <snip>

> But I keep sticking on what to do when the two engineers here say, like they did last time, that they want to see the pre-print version themselves to ensure it's okay? I'm the only writer here so having someone else check the final final version is helpful--but if it's these two, then they feel free to start making all sorts of little changes again, as if it were in review. This is what happened last time, and I can't accept that again.


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