Sometimes, it's almost art

Subject: Sometimes, it's almost art
From: "Alex Silbajoris" <alsilba -at- hotmail -dot- com>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 14:26:43 PDT

Today I was attempting to import a Visio flowchart into a Word document, with limited success. I made several different attempts, and one of them turned out so bad it was comical in a way. The page that resulted had the correct shapes and lines, but the type appeared as tiny greeked lines, maybe 4 points at most.

It was one of those times that something goes so bad, it almost becomes worth saving as a novelty. I might frame it for the cubicle - the symmetry of the thing is almost aesthetically appealing.


- A
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