You too can be a Tech Writer!; branch from: them engineers

Subject: You too can be a Tech Writer!; branch from: them engineers
To: "'Jessica N. Lange'" <jlange -at- oee -dot- com>, TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 10:58:33 -0700

This web site is not all that bad; it *does* hype a few books by writers who
are, I assume, associated with the site in some way, but it does list many
books of general & specific interest to all TWs. Their bundled deals [buy 2
PDF e-books & get one hardcopy, & other variations on that theme] might even
appeal to some people.

and their list of books

The blurb for How to Become Technical Writer includes this bit:
There are lots of books around for highly experienced technical writers. The
few books for the entry-level technical writer speak, almost mystically,
about the years of hard work, the necessity of in-depth study, the
importance of a degree. While none of those hurt one's career, and all will
definitely enhance it, there is absolutely NO reason not to develop those
skills while you work as a technical writer NOW!
Is this totally wrong-headed advice? maybe, maybe not. Beginners do have to
start somewhere, after all...
Whether the book in question -- How to Become a Technical Writer -- is any
good, that's for us critical readers to decide -- has anyone read it? Let us
know if it lives up to any of its hype, er, promise.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jessica N. Lange [SMTP:jlange -at- oee -dot- com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 5:15 AM
> Subject: RE: them engineers
> Yesterday I followed some link somewhere & came to a site
> promising to turn anyone into a tech writer (just buy the book):
> "If you are creative, with an orderly mind, and can write
> clear, concise instructions, then you can be a technical
> writer - simple as that! This book will show you, step by
> step, how to turn your talents into a rewarding and highly
> lucrative writing career! "
> What is scary to me is that this person is targeting English
> majors: "Are you a creative and talented writer who just
> can't seem to make a living [yet!] purely from writing?"

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