Employee experience dilemma....

Subject: Employee experience dilemma....
From: Bill Swallow <bill_swallow -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 06:06:29 -0700 (PDT)

Atticus is wondering what to do about Lisa, a
23-year-old tech writer with no experience who
obviously needs some coaching.


Well, first let's put the age and collegiate degree
issues aside - they don't mean squat.

Now, a collegue and yourself have proven that the work
is substandard? That's all the evidence you need to
bring to your manager's table. If Lisa is making that
many serious errors, I think you're right; she was too
green to be placed in charge of a new book from

I think you should not turn back, however. For
whatever reason, a decision was made to give this
woman a book to write from scratch. Let her finish the
task. Sure, there'll be a lot of rewriting on her part
and a lot of editing on your part, but she's already
in the fire... no use taking her out just to smolder.
Help her through the process. If she's as bright as
you say she is, she'll catch on in no time.

I've had to deal with green writers and green Help
authors as well. In my experience, you can't take them
out of the fire quickly. They'll just be resentful or
afraid to get back in the fire later. Help them
through it, explain where their errors are and WHY
they are errors in the first place, and make sure they
know HOW to correct the problem.

I'm guessing by your post that this writer not only is
making format and language errors, but is also making
content errors? If so, make sure she is going to the
right people for the info and is asking the right
questions. Perhaps you shouls accompany her to one of
her SME interviews and see how she does, jumping in
only where appropriate. Or... take her on one of

That's my $0.02 anyhow...

- Bill

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