
Subject: Summarizing
From: John Posada <jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: "List, Techwriter" <TECHWR-L -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 07:50:51 -0800 (PST)

< he goes again...>

I've noticed a trend.

> If you would respond directly to me so we don't tie
> up the list with this,
> I'll post a summary.

1) If the question is worth "tie"ing up the list, then
the answers are also. Personally, I'm more interested
in the answers than the questions.
2) Summaries don't encourage discussion.
3) Summaries often take on the flavor of the
summarizer, which may not be true to the original
4) Summaries may take days to appear, which by then,
most of us would have forgotten the question.

What I CAN see is that the responses go to the list.
Discussion ensues. Plato posts his little story about
the thread. The person that is summarizing the
responses collects all the responses AND their
rebuttal, coroboration, variations, and places them on
a web page. The link is given to the list and with a
two-line post, gives back hundreds of words on the subject.

John Posada, Merck Research Laboratories
Sr Technical Writer, WinHelp and html
(work) john_posada -at- merck -dot- com - 732-594-0873
(pers) jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com - 732-291-7811
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