Re: Am I employable?
- The skills I have, I can't easily define.
I see you've gotten some good advice on the list already.
One thing I would add is to suggest you do some reading
and analysis of yourself (introspective mode) to define
and help you articulate what you have to offer (working
toward more of an outward-looking mode of communicating
what you've learned about yourself and demonstrating how
that ties in to what the employer needs).
A classic book on this topic (still being updated anually I
believe) is "What Color is Your Parachute" (don't have the
author's name handy, but it should be easy enough to find
through bookstores, online book sellers, and probably libraries).
This book steps you through the process of defining what you
want to do and getting you to the point of doing it for an
employer. I'm confident that if you go through the exercises
and follow the advice presented in this book, you will find
yourself employed.
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