Re: Knocking 'em dead at a new job
At 10:16 AM 02/23/2000 -0800, Marc A. Santacroce wrote:
>1. Don't whine 2. Listen more than you talk 3. Deliver quality
>on-time work. 4. Determine what value-adding contributions
>you can make. 5. Implement #4 whenever you can.
Any suggestions about what to do when working for a liar? Over the years,
I've had incredibly perfect bosses (several of whom are still very close
friends). However, I had two who were congenital liars. They would tell
you to do something (blatantly ignoring your explanations about why that
wasn't prudent), and then deny having said that, and blamed you when
something went wrong. I was not the only person involved in this
situation, and we were all miserably unhappy and left.
I'm a very hard worker, and always give 1000% and work well with my
colleagues. However, I don't know how to handle liars. Can anyone offer
any suggestions?
Marc A. Santacroce
Senior Technical Writer,
ePubs, Inc.
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