RE: Naming a screen section

Subject: RE: Naming a screen section
From: Kevin Feeman <Kevin -dot- Feeman -at- micromass -dot- com>
To: "'Lean Ni Chuilleanain'" <lnc -at- nua -dot- ie>, TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 14:16:39 -0500

> I'm documenting a web application which involves approving documents
> submitted to a database. I'd be grateful for suggestions on
> what to name a
> particular section of the main screen (described below).

I hate to be picky, but isn't this something that you should be asking your
programmers or subject matter experts? I would think that they would be
better to ask then cluttering our list? Don't want to sound mean, but just
curious if this is really a topic would be better addressed by people at
your company, not us.

My opinion only...

Kevin Feeman
Technical Publications Manager
MicroMass Communications Inc. <>
(919) 851-3182 Ext. 3105
kevin -dot- feeman -at- micromass -dot- com

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