Re: Gun to the head

Subject: Re: Gun to the head
From: "Michelle Wolfe" <WOLFEM -at- bcbsil -dot- com>
To: <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 10:23:00 -0600

Fellow listers:

Sorry for confusing what listings I am reading - - I also belong to a training listserve. Hence the reference to the traininer . . . .

But back to the "Could you do it if someone held a gun to your head?" issue . . ..

Why should we use phrases that help us envision a very violent scenario? There are many people who have been touched by guns in a violent way. We, as a people, should be more sensitive to this issue. I believe there are better ways to phrase the question, without using the word gun.

These are my beliefs and I feel in the vast minority with them. However, I felt I had to comment.

>>> Beth Friedman responded, "So -- what's the problem with this particular phrasing?"

>Matt Sturgis wrote, "Good grief people, will you please get a grip?"

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