Re: Gender-specific pronouns

Subject: Re: Gender-specific pronouns
From: Jason Willebeek-LeMair <jlemair -at- ITEXCHSRV2 -dot- PHX -dot- MCD -dot- MOT -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 08:28:06 -0700

<snip author="Spencer Fleury">
My own company has been making every effort to be as
inclusive, gender-wise, as possible with our end-user

...our guidelines were arbitrarily changed to mandate use of "they /
their," even when referring to only one person.


Does anyone have any suggestions for a
non-gender-specific pronoun set that *also* delineates
between plural and singular?
My suggestion:

Singular: xa
Plural: xan
Possessive: xas

I vote for that. We definitely do not have enough words in the English
language that start with x. None of my recommended pronouns has any letters
that can link it gender-wise to any previous pronouns (the possessive 's'
appears in both gendered possessive pronouns). Plus, both men and women
have an x chromosome.


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