Re: Why do U want to be a Tech Writer?

Subject: Re: Why do U want to be a Tech Writer?
From: Esther Wheeler <esther -at- GNNETTEST -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 11:59:51 -0700

Ivan -

As has been suggested, if you know why you like it, there are lots
of ways to explain it without sounding like an idiot.

I like tech writing because I like to learn new things, and I especially
enjoy explaining them to people. When I interview, I talk about
specific technical tasks I've done that illustrate what I mean. This
isn't (I don't think) either idiotic or flip.

Though if you want to get all political you can start a theme of trans-
ferring information from the Technical Elite to the People <g>.

- Esther

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