There's more to it than money (Was: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?)

Subject: There's more to it than money (Was: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?)
From: Penny Staples <pstaples -at- AIRWIRE -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 10:06:43 -0500

Thought I'd jump in on this thread.

High salaries are very nice to have, no doubt about it, and you'll never see
me saying no to a raise. But they aren't much comfort if you're not enjoying
the work. I have a salary range that I'm comfortable in. Maybe I could make
more working somewhere else, or maybe not. Haven't looked lately.

An important thing for me is that I get to work with bright and interesting
people on cool projects. I get to learn new things on the job. My employer
pays my professional memberships and pays my way to at least one major
conference a year. I'd pass up a higher salary to make sure I get these
other, less tangible benefits. An extra $10,000 or $20,000 a year isn't
worth it, if my on-the-job stress doubles.

Of course if you can manage both a higher salary and a great working
environment, more power to you.


Penny Staples
pstaples -at- airwire -dot- com

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