Sharing "AutoText entries

Subject: Sharing "AutoText entries
From: Betsy Devine <bdevine -at- HOTMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 22:19:45 EDT

Dear Jacinta and others,

Thanks for the great ideas! I later found a Word feature called "Forms"
that lets you insert pop-up lists into a formatted template. Of course
there are all kinds of crazy constraints involved, but it's simple
***for the end-user*** once I get it set up. How I long to get back to
FrameMaker, and writing up procedures. Anyway, thanks again.

Betsy Devine Wilczek
bdevine -at- hotmail -dot- com

> Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 14:48:04 +1000
> From: Jacinta Nelligan <jacintan -at- DYNAMITE -dot- COM -dot- AU>

> I'd say you need a macro, and a VBA programmer to write a really good
> one for you. Sounds like each list of codes for a different para
> needs to be in an .ini file or something similar, which can be
> quickly amended, then you need a macro for each para that calls the
> list up in a selection box. User chooses a code, clicks okay and the
> macro inserts the code. Of course, it will probably be harder than
> that, but I can't see why it wouldn't be possible - we currently do
> similar things with macros.

> Hope it helps - Jacinta

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