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* Antwort auf eine Nachricht von Damien_Braniff -at- PAC -dot- CO -dot- UK an All am 14.09.98
DD> If you don't know, Forum, is an "unusual" conference with
DD> no (or very few) formal talks and no seats!!
I has an activator at Forum 90 in Stockholm, Sweden, and at Forum 95 in
Dortmund, Germany, and enjoyed it a lot. In the Idea Market you have some 20
people in a single room with two flip charts each. You can continue your
discussion through brain storming in a Sort-and-Build group. In Stockholm we
did our own TV program on the closed-circuit TV system of the hotel every
night. I have a tape of it.
There is a Web site connected to the Forum conferences at I took over as the Web master there last month but
have not done much besides some update. Hans Springer
DD> Springer -dot- H -at- geod -dot- geonet -dot- de
publishes an international magazine for technical communicators and we work on
putting it to the Web site.
DD> TEKOM Conference - main theme Document Management Systems -
DD> 1-13 November, Munich, Germany.
CORRECTION: The tekom conference has been moved to Nov. 19-20. There seems to
be some big event in Munich in the week before and tekom had problems to get
enough hotel rooms.
Greetings from Germany,
(active tekom member)
Alexander von Obert, Urbanstr. 2, 90480 Nuernberg, Germany
Free-lance technical writer (electronics, software)
Voice +49-911-403903, Fax -403904, BBS -403905 (FIDO 2:2490/1719)
avobert -at- twh -dot- nbg -dot- de