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Subject:Re: writing man pages? From:Toni Williams TPG/SG <towilliams -at- PROCYONGROUP -dot- COM> Date:Tue, 22 Sep 1998 08:14:18 -0700
Sorry, but I'm really lost. I know an (a?) SME is a subject matter
specialist, but what are man pages? Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: joanne grey [SMTP:j_grey -at- WRITEANGLES -dot- COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 1998 3:09 AM
> To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTSERV -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU
> Subject: writing man pages?
> Sorry if this is off-topic.
> After years of escaping this, it's finally come up. I'm going to have
> to
> write man pages.