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Subject:Re: FAQ document - HELP From:"Parker, Cassandra M. (EXCH)" <CMPARKER -at- INTERMEDIA -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 16 Sep 1998 12:40:10 -0400
To List Members,
I know I thanked everyone once; but I must say one more time THANK YOU
to everyone. I had so many replies through the list and almost an equal
amount offline directly to my e-mail address. I received samples,
examples, Web sites, and explanations. There were just too many to send
a thank you to everyone.
I thought this might be a stupid questions but several people replied
and said, "No question is a stupid question on this list". I think that
is awesome.
Before my present job, I worked at a company for almost 18 years and
never had at my disposal any list or means of communicating to other
professionals such as I now have with this list, where we can come
together and talk or ask questions and get a professional reply.
This list is everything I hoped it would be and more.
Thanks again to everyone,
Cassandra Parker
>From: Parker, Cassandra M. (EXCH)[SMTP:CMPARKER -at- intermedia -dot- com]
>Reply To: Parker, Cassandra M. (EXCH)
>Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 12:14 PM
>Subject: Re: FAQ document - HELP
>Thanks to everyone who replied. I have my answer.
>Also THANK YOU to everyone for being kind and not slandering me for
>something I should have known because there was every opportunity with
>this questions.
>Cassandra Parker