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Subject:Re: Techwriter seeks employment info Bay Area From:Denise Fritch <dfritch -at- INTELLICORP -dot- COM> Date:Tue, 15 Sep 1998 08:42:20 -0700
At 05:47 PM 9/14/98 -0700, Ned Bedinger wrote:
>It's looking like my family is going to be moving to the San Francisco
>area, so I want to canvas for work there as a tech writing contractor. The
>last time I did this (a few years ago) things were pretty bleak in Silicon
>Valley for tech writing contractors. Has it picked up at all? Can someone
>point me to resources for job searching in that area?
The market for tech writer, as with all experienced and skilled employees,
is very hot in the bay area. However, just as the job market is hot, the
housing market is small and costly.
Job searching? Well, I would recommend "announcing" your availability
through DICE (, identifying when and perhaps what part of the
bay area. You might also consider checking the web site of the Silicon
Valley STC ( for employment.
Denise L. Fritch
Sr. Tech Writer
IntelliCorp, Inc.
Mountain View, CA