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Subject:Re: Page ranges in an index From:Toni Williams TPG/SG <towilliams -at- PROCYONGROUP -dot- COM> Date:Fri, 11 Sep 1998 11:20:12 -0700
FWIW, I use an en dash in the page number and a space hyphen space
combination in the index to designate the range.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen D. Murphy [SMTP:sdmurphy -at- SHEPARD-PATTERSON -dot- COM]
> Sent: Friday, September 11, 1998 5:47 PM
> To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTSERV -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU
> Subject: Page ranges in an index
> Hi Techwrlers,
> I've developing a manual with two-level page numbers in each chapter
> (e.g., the first page in chapter 4 is page 4-1). We're doing this to
> facilitate easy changes to the manual.
> Now, I am building an index (FrameMaker) and I want to indicate a page
> range for some topics. It looks awkward, since there is a dash already
> in the page number. For example:
> "4-1-4-3" to indicate" 4-1 to 4-3"
> I can think of several approaches:
> 1. Don't use ranges (a cop-out)
> 2. Use the word "to" as a separator (awkward and dumb-looking)
> 3. Use an en- or em-dash for the "to" part (doesn't really do the job
> very well)
> I'd like to come up with something that doesn't require a change to
> the
> basic page number for the chapters (no roman numerals, no colon in the
> page number, etc.)
> Does anyone know if there is a "prescribed" solution to this, or have
> you found your own way to handle it?
> Thanks,
> -Steve