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Subject:Re: Importing AutoCAD drawings into Word 97 From:"Klopfenstein, Ed (AFS)" <edk -at- ACCU-FAB -dot- COM> Date:Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:02:26 -0700
I get this listserv in summary, so my response is a day late.
It makes little difference to Word whether you paste or paste
special to
insert a WMF from the clipboard. The first insertion into Word
should be as
far as you need to go. What's the storage difference between *that*
insertion and your later, second insertion?
Thanks for enlightening me. Turning the fast save option OFF is the best
solution for reducing "bloated" files. Our guarenteed work around for
ballooning file sizes was to cut all our images and resave them in Word's
picture format (I can cut file sizes by 2/3 doing this). I realize now that
a work around is not needed when the "fast saves" option is OFF.
> For even greater efficiency, you could theoretically use paste special to
> insert an object, rather than a whole graphic. In other packages I'd
> recommend such "insertion by reference," but Word has a bad habit of
> losing
> its links.
I agree -- Word 97 links are not reliable. Even with the Word 97 patch, I've
had too many links fail to make this a credible option. I generally embed
all my images.