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Subject:Blurring and bolding in Word From:"Geoff Hart (by way of \"Eric J. Ray\" <ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com>)" <ght -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA> Date:Thu, 10 Sep 1998 07:31:04 -0600
Colette Kelley wondered what might be causing blurring and bolding in
Word. There's one really odd cause, in addition to the ones you
proposed: If the menu and other text on your screen are crisp, then
the problem is with Word itself, not your monitor or video card.
Check the font formatting for each style carefully. Word97 drove me
batty for the first few days after I installed it until I discovered
that all the old styles I'd imported from existing documents had
somehow been corrupted so that the text was set as "shadow" or
"outline" style. Deselecting these attributes in the font dialog box
solved the problem rapidly.
Here's another related problem that may have happened to you. Every
so often, Word97 decides that it really must help me by revealing the
existence of spaces, so it displays a superscripted dot for every
space. I went to the view preferences (Tools->Options->View) and
toggled "show spaces" on and off under "nonprinting characters". No
luck, even after rebooting, saving the changes in NORMAL.DOT, etc.
etc. and etc. for good measure. Finally, I noticed that the "All"
checkbox under "nonprinting characters" had somehow gotten selected;
I use passive voice here because I _know_ I didn't do it. Deselecting
that option solved the problem. Now I'm waiting for Word to change it
again. Go figure!
--Geoff Hart @8^{)}
geoff-h -at- mtl -dot- feric -dot- ca
When an idea is wanting, a word can always be found to take its place.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe