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Subject:Re: Managers Who Intimidate Causing Grief From:"Linda K. Sherman" <linsherm -at- GTE -dot- NET> Date:Tue, 8 Sep 1998 12:35:44 -0400
JIMCHEVAL -at- AOL -dot- COM wrote:
> In a message dated 98-09-07 13:06:00 EDT, linsherm -at- GTE -dot- NET responds to
> Cecilia St.John:
> >
> > Question: How does one respond to an intimidator without using
> > the same tactics?
> Find another job.
> >>
> I'll admit this was my first impulse as well. However, that's not always an
> option and in fact not always absolutely necessary.
[other excellent points snipped]
I don't really disagree with anything you say. But if I could add a few
On changing jobs: People often convince themselves that they can't
change jobs when that is not at all the case. The real problem is a
combination of ego (admitting that this job isn't working out for you)
and fear (better the devil you know...) and, often, underestimating
one's marketability.
On standing up to bully bosses: I've never known it to make things worse
(how could it?), and sometimes it makes things better, but never for the
long term. The person makes an effort to improve his or her behavior for
a while but eventually lapses back into his or her old M.O. It's my
experience that correcting these things takes intervention from
/*management*/, in the form of ongoing supervision and counseling as
well as management training classes for the individual. But how many
companies do this?
I've found that when bullying is tolerated in an organization, it tends
to reflect deeper problems in the corporate culture, problems that go
all the way to the top. Authoritarianism and management-by-fear are
probably the accepted norms. Very likely the bully's boss is also using
similar tactics, and so on up the line. That's why leaving is usually
the only real option in the long run.
Linda K. Sherman <linsherm -at- gte -dot- net>
Freelance Writer -- Technical - Business - Government
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