TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
Rowena Hart writ:
>Since I graduated from university, the longest period of time I've
>spent in one job (and at one company) is a year. Eight months
>seems like an eternity. I can't even imagine staying at one
>company for five years.
>I'm curious about whether other tech writers out there have the
>same 4-month itch? How do you cope with it? Does it go away
>after a few years? How much does the high tech environment
>feed into the "these boots are made for walking" mentality?
I spent five years at my first company, eighteen months at my second,
fourteen months at my third, and sixteen months (so far) at this, my
I have absolutely hated all this job-switching in the past four years.
It's draining. (However, I hated more the bad choices I made in taking
the middle two jobs, and the situations I found myself in at those
companies. Hence, my exits.)
I like sticking with a company longer-term because I can become
extremely knowledgable in the company's product and process. This was
key -- by the time I left the company, I knew the products very, very
well, which meant I spent most of my time working to communicate
effectively, and increasingly less time struggling to learn the product.
I watched my department and the company grow and change. I helped my
department and the company learn from their mistakes.
Five years from now, I'd like to still be here, looking forward to
another five years. I hope it turns out that way.
>Also, do you think that constant movement from job to job helps
>or hinders a technical writer's career? I've learned extremely
>valuable skills from every job I've had, so I can see the value of
>"moving on". On the other hand, I can understand why an employer
>would be nervous about hiring someone who can't seem to stay
>in one place for more than a few months.
My short stays at my previous two companies raised some eyebrows during
the interviews that led to this position. However, that I put in five
years at my first position seemed to anchor me in interviewers' eyes. I
convinced my current boss that I intended to find a good position and
then stay put.
On the other hand, I learned skills *crucial* to my success here during
my short stays at the two previous companies -- I learned about the
publications process at a publisher, and about instructional design in a
forward-thinking documentation department for an otherwise unremarkable
software company.
I guess it's not so much the road you choose, but what you make out of
your journey.
jim grey \ Documentation Manager
Made2Manage Systems, Inc. \ jgrey -at- made2manage -dot- com