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Subject:Re: Why is help disappearing? From:Mark Magennis <markmagennis -at- YAHOO -dot- COM> Date:Thu, 3 Sep 1998 05:41:28 -0700
> It's me again. Ok, I'm trying to compare the screen shots in the
help file
> with the actual dialog boxes. But some of the dialog boxes
originate from
> look-up fields, and the help button on them doesn't work, so I can't
> help from them. If I bring up help first, and then try to pull up the
> dialog box, help disappears. Any suggestions?
Depends how help disappears. Windows 95 help windows should stay there
until you dismiss them, in which case "disappeared" means "behind the
application containing the dialog box". So you should be able to
switch the Help window to the front using Alt+Tab. Does the Help
window have an Options button? If so, you may be able to select Keep
Help On Top so it will always be in front of the dialog.
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