Great TW Bosses, and humble beginnings (was: Tribute to TW bosses )

Subject: Great TW Bosses, and humble beginnings (was: Tribute to TW bosses )
From: "Gemmell,Dal" <Dal_Gemmell -at- EMAIL -dot- SYSCOM -dot- COM -dot- TW>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 15:19:25 +0800

As soon as I saw this thread, I felt I couldn't pass up the opportunity
to pay a huge tribute to my current boss. But first some background info
(imagine wavy lines and weird background music)...

I was a squeaky, clean BA graduate (psyc major), fresh from the ivory
tower. I had decided that before I face the real world, I should first
see some of it. So I packed my bags and headed off to Korea where,
contrary to my nicely laid out plans, I remained for almost a year and a
half, teaching English, studying Korean, and eating kimchi.

For various reasons, a Taiwanese WOMAN among them, I decided to leave
Korea and experience Taiwan for awhile. When I arrived in Taipei
December of last year, I had decided firmly in mind that I would resist
the urge of easy money and seek employment other than teaching English.
After pounding the pavement for a couple of months, and after many
failures, I started thinking about heading back to the classroom.

Thanks to the alignment of the stars or the time I was born, I was
referred to my present computer company. I cringe when I think of my
resume (entirely Times New Roman) and our interview. I honestly told my
boss that my knowledge about computers and the IT industry in general
was very limited. Back then, I didn't realize that I had to know a
little to fully comprehend how much I didn't know.

I recently celebrated my fifth month anniversary at my company and in my
present field. My boss has been extremely supportive, patient, helpful,
in short, the perfect boss. Thanks D. And I think I should also include
my colleague who has also been very helpful with all of my inquiries.
Thanks T.


Dal Gemmell

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