Re: question: bulleted lists and periods

Subject: Re: question: bulleted lists and periods
From: Scott Miller <smiller -at- CORP -dot- PORTAL -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 09:39:00 -0700

That's my opinion too. I also can't stand bulleted lists that attempt to
be a sentence, like this:

You can
- walk to the market wearing a leapord-skin pillbox hat
- go swimming, if you have a swimming suit and a bathing cap and don't
mind the danger of sharks, crocodiles, and pollution
- go home.

- Scott Miller
smiller -at- portal -dot- com

> I'm not aware of a "standard" for bulleted lists, but I can tell you
> that I find bulleted lists without an initial cap and a period--even
> those made of sentence fragments--look messy and incomplete. My
> opinion.

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