Re: Screen shots within numbered steps, OR at the end?

Subject: Re: Screen shots within numbered steps, OR at the end?
From: Dan Roberts <DRoberts -at- ISOGON -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 15:23:13 -0400

Breaking a series of steps out into one "parent" step and multiple
"child" steps is a great idea. That way, the user gets the basic idea
quick. If variations need to be discussed, those steps go in the

Dan Roberts
droberts -at- isogon -dot- com

-----Original Message-----
From: Connie Fabian-Isaacs [mailto:cfisaacs -at- VISIONAEL -dot- COM]
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 1998 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Screen shots within numbered steps, OR at the end?

We don't worry about how many
pages our steps take. We try to limit the number of steps it takes to
complete a task.

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