FWD: Re: FWD: Scenario: You're hired a new writer...

Subject: FWD: Re: FWD: Scenario: You're hired a new writer...
From: "Eric J. Ray" <ejray -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 08:46:40 -0700

Name withheld upon request. Please reply on list.


I guess you'll be able to tell I'm not a manager by the following comments,
although I have been. I have no respect for the formal performance evaluation
process because I have never seen one (except those used for students in school)
that tells me exactly what is expected of me for the coming year. They have
always been extremely subjective and weighted completely on the side of the
company. If the review process can't quantify and qualify what I'm doing by
using behavioral measurable objectives, what good is it? I have also worked at
too may places that say the performance evaluation is NOT tied to pay raises. I
have two collage degrees. Does management really think I believe that or that
I'm that stupid? Duh? And, when will we get to evaluate our managers using the
same kind of form they use on us? Also, what's all this talk about working as a
team if the sewage (I couldn't use my word of choice here) only flows downhill?
Has your TEAM ever been evaluated during a performance review or is it just how
well YOU work as a team member. Enough ranting; back to work.

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