Re: spelled out numbers

Subject: Re: spelled out numbers
From: Barb Philbrick <caslonsvcs -at- IBM -dot- NET>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:15:36 GMT

More exceptions!

I spell out numbers when referring to items, such as "there are three
doo-witzits" or "refer to one of these two documents."

When referring to units of measure, I use the number. For example, I'd
use "4-20 mA" or "2 feet."

I think speed of processing numbers compared to words has a lot to do
with the surrounding material. If you have a lot of numbers and
confusing punctuation, spelling out helps ease the reading. For
example, we use some hideous combos to refer to specific drives --
10-50HP @230VAC/5-25 @ 460 VAC -- so around these phrases I like to
use words instead of numbers to ease the shock. I'd say "If you are
connecting two 10-50HP @230VAC/5-25 @ 460 VAC drives" rather than "If
you are connecting 2 10-50HP @230VAC/5-25 @ 460 VAC drives," even
though the second one breaks bunches of rules about numbering.


Barbara Philbrick, Caslon Services Inc.
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