Re: Tools and Technology

Subject: Re: Tools and Technology
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- AXIONET -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 22:23:08 -0500

Kathy Borgtodd <kborgtod -at- SCTCORP -dot- COM wrote:

>I think better when I write by hand.

Your example has inspired me to my own confession: me, too.

I've learned to write on the computer, but if I'm having trouble to
express my thoughts, or if I'm doing a news release or something that's
not straightforward, I find that writing the first draft on paper always

I like to think it has something to with the brain being tuned to the
actions and pace of the writing hand. Or maybe that only works for slow
thinkers like me.

Bruce Byfield, Outlaw Communications
(bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com) (604) 421-7189 or 687-2133 X. 269 (updated 25 Jan 1998)

"Spider spins its heart out, fox goes home alone,
Wisdom is a snake waiting underneath a stone,
Refuge is in silence or in any stony place,
I will not share your pity, your laws, or your disgrace."
--Oyster Band

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