Re: Mixed messages

Subject: Re: Mixed messages
From: "Wilcox, John (WWC, Contractor)" <wilcoxj -at- WDNI -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 12:24:00 -0800

From: Richard Farley

I could use some objective input on an incident that I need closure on.

I've never had a situation just like yours, but I was let go once under
very strange circumstances. In my case, I was the senior writer and had
been with the company almost five years. It was the other writer that
was a newbie. I never did get closure on the issue, and I still would
like to. (Worst part of it is that I work right around the corner from
the old place, so it's a constant reminder and irritant.) For you that
closure may come. I recommend you contact your agency, and this time
don't let them put you on ignore. In fact, go there and sit in the
waiting room (or you can wait in the sitting room) until you can get in
somebody's face and find out exactly what THEY think happened. You will
probably learn how different two sides of the same story can be. Then
pull out your 45 and -- NO! just kidding! Learn from the bad experience
and move on (probably to another agency).


John Wilcox, Documentation Specialist
Timberlands Information Services, Application Delivery Group
Weyerhaeuser, WWC 2E2, Box 2999
Tacoma, WA 98477-2999 USA
253-924-7972 mailto:wilcoxj -at- wdni -dot- com
(I don't speak for Weyerhaeuser, and they return the favor.)

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