spelled out numbers

Subject: spelled out numbers
From: "Emily A. Thrush" <ETHRUSH -at- MSUVX1 -dot- MEMPHIS -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 14:18:46 -0600

>From: IN%"chuckm -at- EVOLVESOFTWARE -dot- COM" "Martin, Chuck" 28-JAN-1998 14:05:14.26
>Subj: spelled-out numbers vs. numerals for numbers < 10 online
>A question that just occurred to me. I was taught that in most cases you
>should use numerals for numbers less than 10. (There are specific

You learned that in freshman comp - it's an academic thing. Numerals
usually work better in tech writing - for one thing, there's research
showing that people process numerals faster and more accurately
than spelled out numbers.

>So I'm wondering if it might be a better design and usability decision
>for solely online documents to use numerals at pretty much all times.
>Comments? Thoughts? Mandates?
>"You don't look American."
>"Everyone looks American, because Americans are from everywhere."
>- Doonesbury
>Chuck Martin, Technical Writer
>Evolve Software | Personal
>chuckm -at- evolvesoftware -dot- com | writer -at- best -dot- com
>www.evolvesoftware.com | www.writeforyou.com


Emily A. Thrush Office: 901 678-4215
Associate Professor FAX: 901 678-2226
English Department Email: ethrush -at- memphis -dot- edu
University of Memphis Web: www.people.memphis.edu/~ethrush
Memphis, TN 38152

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