Re: FrontPage vs. RoboHTML

Subject: Re: FrontPage vs. RoboHTML
From: Melissa Fisher <mfisher -at- MOBSEC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 12:31:55 -0500

Megan, I have no experience with FrontPage, very little experience with
RoboHTML, no experience with other HTML editors, and only a cursory
knowledge of HTML overall. Having said that, if you are still
interested, here's what I can tell you about RoboHTML...

It is designed to create HTML help, although you can create regular old
HTML files with it. It claims to require IE 3.02 or higher, but if you
avoid the Microsoft-specific extensions, the html files seem to work
fine in Netscape (in my very limited experience).

RoboHTML does appear to support frames, though I have not tried them.
And it does have a "to do" list to track certain
accomplishments/revisions. I don't know if this list can be customized.

I have been using a "release candidate" (which always gives me the
willies when I see it on the "about" screen!) that came with RoboHELP
5.0, and I have run across a couple of holes and bugs and such - but
nothing that has trashed the software or my system or my files yet.

(I'm way behind the HTML curve and have been using RoboHTML to
experiment with creating my very first web site...I know, I know, I'm
doing it bass-ackwards, but hey, it's what I've got handy and it is,
after all, an _experiment_.)


Melissa Fisher
mfisher -at- mobsec -dot- com

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