Samples and samplers

Subject: Samples and samplers
From: Katav <katav -at- YAHOO -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 05:25:16 -0800

Just to Muddy the Waters (great blues guy)
a bit more re documentation samples, it
might be amusing to see who depends upon
samples and who is willing to ignore them.

Demographics might include:
Job function - TW, HR, non-TW supervisor (eg EE)
If TW, experience
as TW
as interviewer
as hiring person
as something else before TWing (eg reporter)
If non-TW, experience
interviewing TWs
working with TWs (we know it's /FOR TWs,/ but ...)

'Course none of that is going to help when we show
up on site and meet the person for the first time,
but it might be something to mull on a rainy evening.

If anyone cares to address the issue, I'll compile
the results and summarize.

Replies >>> STRICTLY OFF LIST <<< to

katav -at- yahoo -dot- com

(Lots of rainy evenings lately in my part of the
Katav ( katav -at- yahoo -dot- com )
Who is wise? He who learns from every person;
Who is honored? He who honors others.
(R. Ben Zoma [Avot 4:1])
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