Excluding resumes based on fonts?

Subject: Excluding resumes based on fonts?
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- AXIONET -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 00:34:38 -0500

geoff-h -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA wrote:

> I don't think I'd want to work for anyone who discriminated
> on this basis. Not to slam the original poster, but isn't
> font choice in a resume completely irrelevant to hiring a
> techwhirler? Assuming that the body font is legible and the
> job advertisement doesn't ask for proof of my taste in
> fonts, I'd hope the quality of my resume's content (and how
> well it matched the person's needs) would be the sole
> criterion for hiring or dismissing me.

I agree that, in most cases, it would be a little harsh to reject an
applicant solely on an unimaginative choice of fonts.

However, a resume is a chance to display your abillity.

In many cases, layout and typography are part of a modern writer's job.
Therefore, it would not be discrimination to consider mediocre layout or
typography as a mark against a technical writer, any more than it would
be if the resume had spelling mistakes.

The more important design was to the job the true that would be.

Bruce Byfield, Outlaw Communications
(bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com) (604) 421-7189 or 687-2133 X. 269
www.outlawcommunications.com (updated 25 Jan 1998)

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Wisdom is a snake waiting underneath a stone,
Refuge is in silence or in any stony place,
I will not share your pity, your laws, or your disgrace."
--Oyster Band

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