Re: Excluding resumes based on fonts?

Subject: Re: Excluding resumes based on fonts?
From: Michael Lewis <lewism -at- BRANDLE -dot- COM -dot- AU>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 10:26:15 +1100

John Posada introduced the question of machine-readable copies -- if
you're using Windows and True Type, font embedding might help your
typography, but certainly won't help with the choice of paper size.

Still 'n' all, most clients or employers want hard copy resumes. That's
when typography can become a really significant issue. Much depends on
the specific organisational environment. If you are a writer passing
text to someone else for formatting, then your font choices aren't
relevant -- but, if you are there to do the whole *communication* job,
you need to demonstrate an understanding of readability: that includes
layout, typography, and a heap of related issues. For my money, anyone
who uses Times New Roman (or equivalent) in normal body text doesn't
understand how type works, so I don't want them having any
responsibility for -- or even influence over -- visual aspects of

Michael Lewis
Brandle Pty Limited, Sydney, Australia
PO Box 1249, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012
Suite 8, The Watertower, 1 Marian St, Redfern 2016
Tel +61-2-9310-2224 ... Fax +61-2-9310-5056

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