Re: Screening Outside Agencies

Subject: Re: Screening Outside Agencies
From: John Posada <posada -at- FAXSAV -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 15:30:51 -0500


I think you're right...oopps

Let me think about this and get back to ya's


John said:

>What type of person would you want as a WORKER? The job doesn't change =
>because of the status of the person working on it, does it?
>The question is....what type of "person" do you want for the position?
>Once the person has finished the manual, would it look different if it =
>was done by one or the other as long as they were both equally =
I'm not sure Moira was asking about how to judge a person's
qualifications. I thought she was asking about how to work with an
agency or contractor. If I were in her position, I'd be looking for a
checklist of things I ought to inquire into, such as what info a typical
contract should contain, how the work will be charged (per hour? flat
fee?), and so on. I'm looking forward to seeing other techwhirler
responses because this is an area in which I need to gain some knowledge
>as well.

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