Re: Blank Pages in PDFs

Subject: Re: Blank Pages in PDFs
From: Dan Azlin <dazlin -at- SHORE -dot- NET>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 00:48:24 -0500


One thing to keep in mind is that many programs identify the "flavor" of a
file on the basis of its file extension. If you leave out that key piece of
info, the distiller
may not be able to judge (i.e. guess) the correct file ethnicity.

Another possible problem that exists when sourcing from a Frame document is
owns the graphic?" This may be a bug or a feature of Frame, but I've seen
it quite often.
The basic problem is that the graphic needs to be "owned" by a frame that
is capable of
containing the file and converying it to the printer driver as part of the
flow of the document.
(Remember that Frame "prints" to a postscript driver or to the
pdf/distiller alternative driver
to make a .pdf file.) If the graphic is floating on the page, for example,
and is actually attached
behind the main text frame of the page, it falls outside of the flow and
will not get sent to the
printer driver.

Another problem that can occur is where multiple anchored frames exist
side-by-side on a
single line (turn view symbols 'on' to see the anchor icon): the first
occuring frame anchor masks
the second anchor, causing referenced graphics to be overlooked and not
sent to the printer
driver. Sometimes the second frame's contents are overlooked completely.
To solve this one,
move the second frame to a new line of its own.

Hope this helps.

Dan Azlin

At 03:57 PM 1/21/98 -0400, Jon Leer wrote:
>Have you encountered blank pages in your PDFs generated by Adobe Distiller
>on a Windows 95 platform?
>The blank pages appear whereever I have a linked EPS image in the source
>(Framemaker) document. Many of these EPS images do not have an .EPS
>I have tried everything as described in the Acrobat Exchange
>troubleshooting section of the online documentation... to no avail.

Dan Azlin ** WORD ENGINEERS, Technical Writing & Publishing **
dazlin -at- shore -dot- net 7 Myrtle Street
ph/fax 508-921-8908 Beverly, MA 01915-3315

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