Looking for words of wisdom...

Subject: Looking for words of wisdom...
From: Pepexx <Pepexx -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 20:35:56 EST

I am a Jr. Contract Tech Writer with mostly Word experience. I just got
training on FrameMaker and will be getting more on RoboHelp. I have some
graphic design experience and have written everything from business plans to
ISO 9000 IT documentation. I started about 6 years ago but have only been
doing it full time for about 2. It is only recently that I have decided to
invest in it seriously as a long term career.

I sort of fell into this line of work and the only contacts I have that might
know about this field are recruiters. I have had a hard time getting much
information about the future of the industry and where the real demand is
(i.e. tools and areas of expertise).

Due to some merger and aquisitions bugeting issues, I find myself suddenly out
of contract and wondering how I can improve my skill set. Obviously, I want to
be as cutting edge as possible but don't know where to go from here.

Any words of wisdom?

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