Re: Tool for drawing technical diagrams

Subject: Re: Tool for drawing technical diagrams
From: "Rodney A. Hoiseth" <roth -at- GOL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 15:11:02 +0900

>> At 09:56 AM 1/20/98 +1000, you wrote:
>We occasionally draw technical diagrams which are embedded in Word 97
>documents. The diagrams don't really fit a standard (such as
>electrical diagrams, etc). Currently, we use the Word Picture
>functionality to create the diagrams, but find it fiddly and
>cumbersome. We have also tried Micrografx ABC Flowcharter and a
>really old version of Visio.
>What packages are available to create very basic technical diagrams?
>Are there any critiques of the packages? Any help would be appreciated.

I haven't seen anyone recommend Claris Works yet. I use Claris Works, on my
PowerBook especially, because it is compact and versatile. I like MS Word
(up to version 5.1 anyway ;-) because of its extensive style sheets, its
compatibility with PageMaker, and its power to open a variety of documents
in a variety of formats; but for everyday work, Claris Works is _very_
useful -- since all its functions are so well integrated, it requires so
little memory and disk space, and it is so much more stable than MS Word.

I have done several projects that included drawings, both simple and
complex, in Claris Works' drawing program and found it more than

(in Hayama, Japan)
(Just back to the list after a long self-imposed exile...)

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