Frame 5.1 question

Subject: Frame 5.1 question
From: John Prince <prince1 -at- WEBTV -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 18:47:55 -0600

I know there are various methods to placing graphics in a Frame
document. Here is how I do mine: I have created a single cell table
and stored it in the Table Designer as "figuretable." In the basic
properties, I configured it so the title will appear below the table
(for figure titles).

I then import my graphics into the table (which of course automatically
creates a anchored frame).

My problem is this: I am getting too much white space between the text
above the anchored frame. Before you mention it, I *have* set up my
figuretable properties to 0 pt. space above the table. It helped a
little...but the graphic frame is still well below the top of the table

What I *need* to do is move the frame up in the table cell. When I try
to manually do this I get a message telling me to go to Special>Anchor
to move the frame. The options seem only to relate to positioning the
frame above or below the current line, horizontally etc. I simply want
to move the anchored frame up about 1 inch within the table cell.

I've skimmed through two Frame books I have, but saw nothing
specifically regarding this. Does anyone know how I can move the
anchored frame up just a little inside the table? And...if so, if there
a way I can set it to where the anchored frame will position itself in
that spot each time I import a graphic?

Please cc me privately with your responses.

Thanks a bunch!

John (The Great Dallas Cowboys)

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