Stupid Snagit Tricks

Subject: Stupid Snagit Tricks
From: David Girardot <dmgirard -at- CORNETLTD -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:05:04 -0500

We use Snagit for our screen captures. We print on an HP with 600DPI. But
the printed screenshots don't reproduce all that well. They come from Win95
and there's a lot of gray shading and color that doesn't carry well to the
black and white world of the printed manual. Sure, you could take your
screens and touch them in Paint Shop Pro, but that's very time consuming. I
discovered a neat trick with Snagit that works pretty well, however, and
thought I'd share it.

In Snagit, turn on Color Boost and multiple Red/Green/Blue by 140%.
(Actually, you can play around and figure out which number works best for
you, but 140 works well for me.)

Your pictures will be lighter, seemingly crisper and most of that nasty grey
shading is washed out. As a result they look much better when printed.

---David M Girardot---dmgirard -at- cornetltd -dot- com------------
--[Senior Tech Writer & Information Specialist]---------
--[CorNet International, Ltd.]--------------------------
[Opinions expressed in this message are my own.]--------

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