Re: Suggestion...

Subject: Re: Suggestion...
From: Barb Ostapina <Barb -dot- Ostapina -at- METROMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:14:33 -0500

Actually, I rather like the "me-too" messages, especially if the writer
adds a thought or two to them. It gives me a sense of the consensus on a
topic. I find this particularly useful if the topic is one I know little
about, or am wondering what others think about it. (So, I guess you could
call this a "not-me-too" message.)
barb -dot- ostapina -at- metromail -dot- com

cc: (bcc: LOMBMML Ostapina Barb/OLS)
Date: 01/20/98 09:12:09 AM MST
Subject: Suggestion...

Hey whirlers and hlpers,

Please remember that when you automatically reply to a message on these
lists that you're in fact replying to the ENTIRE list, NOT just that
person! I get tired of deleting those "me-too" messages and personal
responses, and I'm sure you do too.

Donning my flame-proof suit,

Kristy Astry
"Outside of a dog, a book is a (wo)man's best friend. Inside of a dog,
it's too dark to read"--Groucho Marx

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