Professional organizations, courses, and tools

Subject: Professional organizations, courses, and tools
From: Stuart Burnfield <slb -at- FS -dot- COM -dot- AU>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 15:27:39 +0800

Jill Burgchardt said:
> I'm not a member of STC, but I'm considering it. It's simply a
> matter of opportunity costs for me--I can only spend so much money,
> is that the BEST choice?
> The nearest chapter is Denver and as I understand it, the meetings
> usually start at 5. Since I live 70 miles away, I'd also have to
> rearrange my work schedule or use vacation time to attend meetings.
> So, I may be paying a lot just for a magazine.

I can top that. My nearest chapter is about 4,000 km away. I'm an
unaffiliated member -- no chapter. So far I think I've had reasonable
value from the journal and magazines and the SIGs.

When I first asked about the STC in my early days on techwr-l, I got
no whines but many friendly, helpful replies.

My only gripe with the Society is that I made what I thought was a
reasonable suggestion to do with membership dues. I got ignored then,
after my third enquiry, brushed off. Apart from that my impression of
STC people is that they're competent and well-meaning, if a bit stuffy.
I just signed on again.

Stuart Burnfield Proud non-member of the KKK
Functional Software Pty Ltd
mailto:slb -at- fs -dot- com -dot- au

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