Re: What is a TW?

Subject: Re: What is a TW?
From: Christopher Carmichael <chrisc -at- SYNERGYMICRO -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 14:17:20 -0800

>This may sound somewhat trivial, but I could really could use a good

It sounds like you could!

>What really defines a TW?
>My department manager would like to believe that a good, experience TW
>would be able to look at a pile of components and intuitively know how to
>assemble and then operate a given product, then write the appropriate

Gee, a doctor should be able to look at you and figure out what's wrong.
In my experience, you're right -- and your quote below.

>I need to learn about something before I'm able to write about it. I
>mean, how would I already know about something that hasn't existed yet?
>Who is more accurate?

You are. Your manager wants you to be the "jack of all trades and master
of . . ."

Good luck.

| Chris Carmichael Half the people you know are below average. |
| Synergy Microsystems, Inc. 99-percent of lawyers give |
| San Diego, California, EEUU the rest a bad name. |

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