Store Files on a Server?

Subject: Store Files on a Server?
From: Joe Miller <joemiller -at- CANBERRA -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 08:33:33 -0500

In the "PageMaker vs Word" thread, Tracy Boyington wrote:
>Are you saying that one should always store one's files on the server?
>Does this give anyone else a shiver down their spine?

We store the files for about 200 tech docs on servers for two very
important reasons:
1. Files on a server are accessible to everyone in the Tech Pubs group,
files on local hard drives are not.
2. The servers are backed up every night, local drives are not, so we
know backup files are available if the file we're working on becomes
corrupted or is accidentally deleted (both of which have happened).

To have our files anywhere other than on a server leads me toward
unreasoning panic!

Tracy, it sounds like you think using servers is a bad idea. Why?

joemiller -at- canberra -dot- com

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