multiple instances of Word

Subject: multiple instances of Word
From: hm chou <hchou -at- INTERACCESS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 04:11:41 GMT

Is there any way to have Word NOT run multiple instances of itself, e.g.,
entering a switch in the command line somewhere? I am running RoboHelp 5.0
(an online help authoring program that runs on top of Word), and sometimes
I will hit a command (by accident) and a new version of Word will open up.

Please email responses to my address listed below as my news reader
(Internet Mail and News) doesn't always display new posts. Thanks.
Hsuan-min Chou
hchou -at- interaccess -dot- com

Ah, beer. My one weakness.
My Achilles' heel if you will.

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