Re: Magical Thinking and Grimoires

Subject: Re: Magical Thinking and Grimoires
From: "Martin, Chuck" <chuckm -at- EVOLVESOFTWARE -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 14:44:18 -0800

On Wednesday, January 14, 1998 2:35 PM, Kelly Anderson
[SMTP:kellya -at- VIEWSOFT -dot- COM] wrote:
> As I write technical documentation, I always try to get my user to
> about the problem in the same way as the designer. While this may
involve a
> little more up front time in learning to use the product, if the
> "mental model" is achieved in the mind of the user, it is likely to be
> worth the initial pain.

But isn't that backwards? Shouldn't the design of the software reflect
how a user will solve the problem? That way, You don't have to "get"
users to think in any way other than they already are.

That way, you start with a design that attempts to match the users'
mental models. You also have to write less documentation explaining just
how the design is supposed to accomplish a user task.

> Unfortunately, in software, programs are often written in such a way
> the correct mental model is obfuscated. The programmer implemented it
as an
> "A", but tries to show it to the user as a "B" (which it really
isn't). We
> as technical writers ought to show the user that it really is an "A",
> that if they think of it as an "A" they will understand that it really
> isn't magic.

Actually, software is too often written within the mental model of the
programmers, who are *not* the eventual end users. That's why it's
important to think of ourselves as more than writers, to understand that
a large amount of the documentation is within the design, and to begin
involvement early in the design process, bringing usability and early
prototyping processes into the mix so you'll have a better,
easier-to-write-about, and easier-to-use product.

"You don't look American."
"Everyone looks American, because Americans are from everywhere."

- Doonesbury
Chuck Martin, Technical Writer
Evolve Software | Personal
chuckm -at- evolvesoftware -dot- com | writer -at- grin -dot- net |

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