Re: Screen Capture questions

Subject: Re: Screen Capture questions
From: Geoff Lane <geoff -at- GJCTECH -dot- FORCE9 -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 21:52:12 -0000

Diane Williams wrote:

>To All Screen-Capture Gurus:
>Presently, I capture windows using the PrintScrn and Alt+PrintScrn
>method (in Win 3.11 and WinNT 4.0), paste the images into Paintbrush,
>and save them as *.bmp. I bring these images into Word for the user's
>This method works fine for me, so I'm wondering what advantages, if
>any, are there in using screen capture applications such as Hijaak?
I use PaintShop Pro extensively for web graphics -- so I usually have it
running minimised on my task bar. Screen captures are a doddle. You can
capture the whole screen, a window, an object, area, etc. with or without
the mouse cursor. You can use hot keys (so you can also capture menus etc.)
I'm so used to it that it just doesn't occur to me to hit [Alt+PrtScrn]!


Geoff Lane
geoff -at- gjctech -dot- force9 -dot- net

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